报告题目:Unified theory of tearing mode growth from linear to Rutherford regime in the presence of local equilibrium current gradients
报告人:黄文龙 博士
内容摘要:Using the two-field reduced magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) model, a new theory of tearing mode transition from linear to Rutherford regime in the presence of local equilibrium current gradient (LCG) effects is proposed. By containing the LCG term in the vorticity equation, I reproduce the modified Rutherford equation with saturation terms via a quasi-linear approach. Therefore, the LCG term in the vorticity equation is responsible for the saturation mechanism of the classical tearing mode. The unified formula of the tearing mode evolution from linear exponential growth to quasi-linear saturation is obtained if one contains the LCG and inertial terms in the vorticity equation simultaneously. Since LCG is essential for the linear growth rate of tearing mode in the marginal stable regime, the new theory is also valid when the mode close to marginality.
报告人简介:黄文龙,男,博士,九三学社社员,2016年毕业于中国科学技术大学,2017年加入安徽工业大学。研究方向为等离子体物理、AI for Science。多次应邀为Nuclear Fusion、Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion、Physics of Plasmas等期刊审稿;主持国家自然科学基金、安徽省自然科学基金等项目4项;以第一作者在等离子体物理领域主流期刊Nuclear Fusion、Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion、Physics of Plasmas等发表论文7篇。