
Native Artificial Intelligence in Modern Mobile Communication Networks

报告题目:Native Artificial Intelligence in Modern Mobile Communication Networks

报告人:杨鲲,电子科技大学国家特聘教授,欧洲科学院院士,IEEE/IET Fellow


报告地点:zoom在线会议 会议ID88305703804 密码: 305752



杨鲲博士是英国埃塞克斯大学计算科学和电子工程学院的主席教授,博士生导师,网络融合实验室NCL主任;电子科技大学国家特聘教授。他于英国伦敦大学学院UCL获得工学博士,吉林大学本硕。在于2003年到Essex大学任教之前,他曾在UCL从事博士后研究工作于多个欧盟项目。在Essex大学,他主持来自欧盟、英国国家研究资助委员会(如EPSRC)以及工业资助的项目。他的主要研究兴趣包括:无线网络和通信、未来互联网技术、无线数据和能量一体化通信网络、通信-计算-感知的融合等;在国际核心期刊和主要会议发表论文300多篇, 多国专利20多件,Google Scholar引用超万次。IEEE InterCloud创始成员及六个执行常委之一,世界移动大会WMC GSMA GLOMO大奖(业界著名的巴奖)的评审专家,多个IEEE期刊副编辑(如ComMag, TNSE, WCL),IET Smart Cities期刊副主编,IEEE通信协会杰出演讲者;欧洲科学院(Academia Europaea)院士MAE,IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, ACM杰出会员。


With 5G mobile communication systems being commercialized and deployed worldwide, research into next-generation communication systems (i.e., 6G) has started since 2020. Artificial intelligence (AI) is essential for 6G to deliver its promises of being faster, greener and smarter. This talk starts with a brief introduction of 6G mobile communication systems, and then looks into how AI and machine learning (ML) comes into play in 6G from different perspectives. In addition to edge intelligence, the talk presents some exciting new trends in computation-communication cooperation, covering data-driven communication system design, semantic communications, digital twin networks (DTN), and ISAC (Integrated Sensing and Communication), all from the perspective of how AI plays a role in advancing modern communication systems. The talk is easy to follow and is suitable to young researchers who have just started their research and to anybody who is interested in computing, wireless communications and AI in general.

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